
Sangers pigeons top in the acebird competitions

With the end of the season approaching, the Sangers team is in the top of several acebird competitions … a survey of the (intermediate) score in the 2017 season:

National competition ‘De Allerbeste’ (classifications per August 20th)
2nd Nat. acebird middle distance with NL16-1259596 ‘Kira’
4th Nat. acebird middle distance with NL16-1259635 ‘Kiki’
5th Nat. yearling acebird with NL16-1259635 ‘Kiki’

Provincial competition GOU
1st prov. acebird speed with NL16-1259635 ‘Kiki’ (per August 20th)
4th prov. acebird middle distance with NL16-1259635 ‘Kiki’

S-provincial competition region
1st s-prov. acebird speed with NL16-1259635 ‘Kiki’ (per August 20th)
1st s-prov. acebird middle distance with NL16-1259635 ‘Kiki’
5th s-prov. acebird middle distance with NL16-1259596 ‘Kira’
7th s-prov. acebird long distance with NL16-1259608 ‘Grandson New Kittel’
7th s-prov. acebird speed with BE15-4100298 VD Bulck (per August 20th)

Federation ‘De IJssel’
1st acebird speed Fed. with NL16-1259635 ‘Kiki’ (per August 20th)
1st acebird middle dist. Fed. with NL16-1259635 ‘Kiki’
3rd acebird middle dist. Fed. with BE15-4100298 VD Bulck
4th acebird speed Fed. with NL15-4100298 VD Bulck (per August 20th)
4th acebird middle distance Fed. with NL15-1259568
4th acebird long distance Fed. with NL16-1259608 ‘Kleinzoon New Kittel
5th acebird short distance Fed. with NL16-1259635 ‘Kiki’
5th acebird middle distance Fed. with NL16-1259596 ‘Kira’
6th acebird speed Fed. with NL16-1259596 ‘Kira’ (per August 20th)
8th acebird long distance Fed. with NL16-1259642
8th acebird speed Fed. with BE15-4100296 VD Bulck (per August 20th)
10th acebird speed Fed. with BE15-4100296 VD Bulck